Becoming a Member

The club currently has around 100 members, including life and junior members and is keen to encourage new and younger members to join. Membership is subject to the same criteria as all Home Office approved clubs;

Beginners must serve a probationary period before they can become a full member serving a six month period as a provisional member prior to applying for full membership.

A minimum number of visits within a 6 month period are necessary before full membership can be granted.

For more information than is contained in these notes, please contact the club secretary using the contact details on the contact us page.

Please be aware that all visitors and applicants for membership must sign a declaration stating that they are not prohibited by law from taking up shooting and holding a firearms certificate. Each applicant will have to have a police background check prior to their first visit. This requirement applies to everyone without exception, irrespective of age.


For details on membership fees and costs, please contact the club for more information.

Club guns are available for members and probationary members to use at no additional cost.

Membership of the club gives full access to all types of shooting, both at the club’s indoor range and outdoor range.

Please note that the minimum age for full membership is 18. We do have a junior section, admission to which is decided on a case-by-case basis. See our Juniors page for full details.

Your First Visit

The cost to you as a shooting visitor on for your first visit will be the price of a box of ammunition, or a tin of air pellets, and this is strictly by appointment only. 

If you are under 18 years old, please see our juniors page before going any further.

For directions to the club’s indoor range, contact the club using the contact details. When you first come for a visit, please bring some form of identification with you, preferably with a photograph of yourself on it, such as a driving licence.

As a visitor you will be loaned a suitable gun, hearing protection and given basic shooting instruction. You will be accompanied onto the range by an experienced shooter who will stay with you until we are confident of your abilities.

Should you decide to join the Club and become a probationary member, you can continue to use club guns at no additional cost.

If you are interested in membership or want to learn more about our club please contact the club page and complete the details required.